Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1775.11.23

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Index Entry Drummer, in St Johns, sent with messenger to camp for parley 
Location St Johns 
23 Nov 1775:21 (1576)
Extract of a letter from St. John's, November 3. . . [items
from 28-31 Oct.]
Nov. 1.  Our gun and mortar battery on this side, and the
four gun batteries on the east side, kept an incessant fire
all day on the garrison; the garrison kept up a very brisk
fire.  In the evening Gen. Montgomery sent a flag into the
fort, with a letter to Major Preston by one of the prisoners
taken at Longue Geel, informing him of Carleton's defeat,
and that he had now no longer any reason to flatter himself
with relief from that quarter, and that therefore to prevent
the further effusion of blood, which a fruitless and
obstinate defence would cause, he recommended to him a
surrender of the fort.  Major Preston, in return to Gen.
Montgomery's letter, sent Capt. Stewart of the 26th, with a
drum into our camp, that the general should have a full
answer to his letter in the morning.  That in the mean time
hostilities should cease on both sides.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1775.11.23 
Publisher Green, Frederick 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0020060
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