Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1780.11.03

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Index Entry Drums, in Bath, beat to arms to call up militia in anti-popery riot 
Location Bath 
3 Nov 1780:11 (1764)
Bath, June 14.  On Friday evening last the same frantic
spirit of destruction which has thrown the city of London
into such confusion, began to display itself here.  About
twilight a number of boys, headed by a gentleman's servant,
crying out "No popery," gave the alarm, and their numbers
increasing as they ran through the streets, before 9 o'clock
they formed a body of several hundreds: previous to which
several ill disposed fellows had assembled before the new
Roman Catholick chapel near St. James's parade, and had
begun to break the windows . . . [details of riot]  About
half past eleven the drum beat to arms, and about 20 more of
the volunteers, headed by Captain Duperre, marched to the
scene of action, with bayonets fixed . . .

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1780.11.03 
Publisher Green, Frederick and Samuel 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0020247
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