Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1782.03.07

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Index Entry Bob, runaway Negro, plays fiddle 
Location Prince William 
7 Mar 1782:23 (1834)
Two Thousand Pounds of Tobacco Reward.  Prince-William,
February 27, 1782.
Ran away from the subscriber living in Prince-William
County, in the state of Virginia, Bob, a Negro man slave,
about six feet high, well made, has a large dent in one of
his cheeks, and is remarkable fond of playing on the fiddle. 
The subscriber heard of his being on Patuxent, in Maryland,
soon after he ran away, and has good reason to believe he
was taken from thence to the eastern shore of Maryland by a
certain James Davis.  Whoever apprehends and secures the
said slave, so that the subscriber shall get him into his
possession, shall receive the above-mentioned reward.
[signed] John Hammett.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1782.03.07 
Publisher Green, Frederick and Samuel 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0020318
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