Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1783.08.07

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Index Entry Actor, in London, criticised by writer 
Location London 
7 Aug 1783:12 (1908)
London, . . . [in a series of satiric "Casualties and
remarkable occurrences:"]
   On Thursday an author openly convicted of a most
ungrateful paragraph against actors and actresses, who were
the means, and the only means of preventing the dramatic
damnation on a recent occasion.
   Public applause, long confined to the Castle of
Andelusia, is so well pleased with his situation, that it is
thought he will make it his constant abode for life. 
Several attempts have been made to release this, hitherto
indiscriminate fellow, to all of which, except that of Miss
Rosina, he has not paid the smallest attention.  He has
confessed that he kissed, and he prattled with fifty fair
maids, without a serious attachment to any, but she, and her
fellow warbler, have made a very strong impression upon him.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1783.08.07 
Publisher Green, F. and S. 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0020392
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