Citation - Maryland Gazette-Baltimore (Dunlap): 1779.01.05

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Index Entry Books, plays, for sale by Prichard and Lester 
Location Baltimore 
5 Jan 1779:23 (163[=4/193])
January 5th, 1779.  Prichard and Lester have just received,
and have now for sale, at their stationary and book-store,
near the Market-house, in Market-street, Baltimore.
A large and valuable collection of books in modern languages
. . . [7 lines] penknives, charts of Chesapeak bay, paper
for log-books, quarter waggoners, new plays, . . . [5 more

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Baltimore (Dunlap) 
Date 1779.01.05 
Publisher Hayes, James, Junior 
City, State Baltimore, MD 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0020676
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