Citation - Maryland Gazette-Baltimore (Hayes): 1783.10.17

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Index Entry Apprentice, runaway named M'Knight, Joseph, plays German flute 
Location Baltimore 
17 Oct 1783:43 (1/23)
Twelve pounds reward. Ran away from the subscriber, on the
1st instant, an apprentice boy, named William Isgrig, born
in Baltimore county, about seventeen years of age, five feet
four inches high, thin visage and fair complexion; . . . [3
  Likewise on the 4th instant, ran away from the subscriber,
an apprentice boy, named Joseph M'Knight, born in Limerick,
Ireland, about 19 years of age, five feet five inches high,
fair complexion, can play on the German flute, and writes a
tolerably good hand: . . . [8 lines describing clothes]  He
is a very sober close minded boy, and it is probably he may
attemt to pass as a free man.  He was seen late on Saturday
night on Fell's Point. . . [6 lines, detailing rewards,
signed] Thomas Pilkington

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Baltimore (Hayes) 
Date 1783.10.17 
Publisher Hayes, John 
City, State Baltimore, MD 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0020699
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