Citation - Maryland Journal: 1776.01.17

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Index Entry Drum, played by runaway named Fletcher, Samuel 
Location Frederick Town 
17 Jan 1776:4362 (3/109)
Four dollars reward. January 11, 1776.
Ran away from the subscriber, living at Israel Creek, six
miles from Frederick Town, on the 9th instant an English
servant lad, named Samuel Fletcher, 13 years of age, about 4
feet and a half high, fair complexion and brown hair; he
understands playing on the fife and beating a drum: had on
when he went away two jackets, the one light colour'd, the
other blue, leather breeches, white stockings, and an old
. . . [3 lines on reward terms]
[signed] Barnet Linginfelder

Generic Title Maryland Journal 
Date 1776.01.17 
Publisher Goddard, M. K. 
City, State Baltimore, MD 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0020822
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