Citation - Maryland Journal: 1782.08.06

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Index Entry Actor, women, in Baltimore, sought by theatre 
Location Baltimore 
6 Aug 1782:32 (9/32 466)
Theatre.  Baltimore, August 6, 1782.  The performers
belonging to the Baltimore Theatre, are desired to repair to
Baltimore, by the 25th instant, as the house will be opened
in a short time afterwards.
   The managers being desirous of giving all the
satisfaction in their power to the public. will give the
highest encouragement to actresses of real merit, who will
apply to Mr. Adam Lindsay, in Philadelphia, or Mr. Wall in

Generic Title Maryland Journal 
Date 1782.08.06 
Publisher Goddard, M. K. 
City, State Baltimore, MD 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0021177
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