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7 Nov 1783:31 (10/79 566)
Baltimore, Oct. 25, 1783. Ran away, from the subscriber's
plantation, about 11 or 12 miles from Baltimore-town, a
likely Negro boy, named Abram, 14 or 15 years of age, about
5 feet high, well made, full eyed, very dark complexion, and
plays on the fiddle. Had on . . . [8 lines, signed]
Archibald Buchanan. . . [2 lines]
Had on when he went away a country-cloth jacket and
breeches, osnaburgs shirt, but it is likely he has changed
his cloathes, as it is supposed he is about Baltimore-Town,
where he has been seen frequently, since he went away.
Whoever takes up, and secures the above boy in gaol, so that
I may get him again, shall receive six dollars reward, and
reasonable charges paid, by [signed] Archibald Buchanan.