Citation - Massachusetts Spy-Boston: 1770.10.23

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Index Entry Foote, plays to be acted at summer residence, in satire 
Location London 
20-23 Oct 1770:11 (1/35)
London, August 12. . .  Several plays are to be acted this
summer ar Mr. F---'s theatre which he has lately built at
his country seat; among the rest one of Sir Richard
Steele's, called The Tender Husband, or the Accomplished
Fools, the part of the tender husband by Lord G---r, and the
Accomplished Fools, by the D. of C. and Lady G--s--r.

Generic Title Massachusetts Spy-Boston 
Date 1770.10.23 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0021415
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