Citation - Massachusetts Spy-Boston: 1771.06.06

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Index Entry Beggar's Opera [t], songs of Filch in satirical program 
Location London 
6 Jun 1771:562,563 (1/14)
London, April 8.  Previous to the rising of the present
parliament, there will be exhibited (time and place in a
future advertisement)
A Grand Vocal Concert, (conducted in the Dutch taste)
To be performed by a number of the most respectable
personages in this Kingdom.  As this entertainment is
calculated to improved the vocal excellencies of these
nations, the attendance of the devotees and connoisseurs in
music, are particularly requested.
  A list of the performers, with the several songs they are
to sing.
Songs.   Performers.
Oh! had I been by fate decreed. Some humble cottage swain. -
-by his M--y
Fairest of all female kind, Of worth possess'd and beauty
join'd --by her M--y
Rule Britannia--Princess Dowager of Wales.
Thus I stand like the Turk with my doxies around--Duke of
Can love be controuled by advice?--Duke of Grosvenor.
The laws were made for the little--Lord Mansfield.
Who'll buy a heart? --Sollicitor-General
What beauties does Flora disclose--E. Burke
O! the roast beef of Old England --Sergeant Glynn.
How happy could I be with either --General Conway.
You vile pack of vagabonds, what do you mean? --Colonel
A pox of these boobies, they keep such a pother--The Two
I am a jolly Butcher --Lord Barrington.
On a message I can go,
And slip a billet-doux,
With your humble servant, 
   J. Dyson, Esq.
Sweet Liberty, a duet --by the Right Honorable the Lord
Mayor, and Mr. Ald. Oliver.
What care I for affairs of state--Lord North.
For I have been drubb'd, and I have been snubb'd,
And I have been black and blue. --ditto
The man that is drunk is void of all care --Lord Townsend,
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.
Genius of England--Mr. Wilkes.
The Busy Fly--Right Hon. Welbore Ellis.
Tweedside, with "the life of a beau," --Charles Jenkinson,
All the songs of Filch in the Beggar's Opera--Charles Fox,
  Between the disposition of the songs Mr. Weatherbeaten
will entertain the audience with a new pantomime of his own
composing called Harlequin Turncoat.
   The whole to conclude with a grand chorus.  Britons
Strike Home. --by the people of England.

Generic Title Massachusetts Spy-Boston 
Date 1771.06.06 
Publisher Thomas, I. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0021460
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