Citation - Massachusetts Spy-Boston: 1772.07.30

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Index Entry Opera House, in Amsterdam, destroyed by fire 
Location Amsterdam 
30 Jul 1772:893 (2/76)
Letters by yesterday's Holland mail bring the following
melancholy account, viz. On Monday evening last, just before
the beginning of the Flemish Opera at the theatre in
Amsterdam, a small rope belonging to some of the machinery
took fire, owing to a candle having been by accident placed
immediately under it, which communicated itself to the boxes
with such rapidity, that in a very few  minutes the whole
house was in flames.  The smoke and confusion was so great,
that, though many escaped out of the house, a large number
amounting to near three hundred persons, we are sorry to
inform the public, perished in the flames.  Among whom were
many of the first families in Holland. . . [8 lines]

Generic Title Massachusetts Spy-Boston 
Date 1772.07.30 
Publisher Thomas, I. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0021523
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