Citation - Massachusetts Spy-Boston: 1773.09.16

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Index Entry Bates, Mr, horseman, to perform in Boston 
Location Boston 
16 Sep 1773:34 (3/137)
Horsemanship.  Mr. Bates, acquaints the ladies and
gentlemen, that he purposes to perform again on Tuesday
next, the 21st inst. if suitable weather, on one, two,
three, and four horses, at the bottom of the mall in Boston,
when there will be added to his other performances,
  A Burlesque on Horsemanship, or the Taylor Riding to
*** Tickets at three shillings each, to be had at Col.
Ingersoll's in King street; Mr. Bracket's in School-street,
and at the place of performance.
  The doors will be open at three o'clock, and he will mount
precisely at four.
  No money will be taken at the door nor admittance without
a ticket.
  He will take it as a particular favour if gentlemen will
not suffer any dogs to come with them.

Generic Title Massachusetts Spy-Boston 
Date 1773.09.16 
Publisher Thomas, I. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0021585
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