Citation - Massachusetts Spy-Worcester: 1781.01.11

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Index Entry Drum major, in Continental Army, one per infantry regiment, reorganization 
Location Philadelphia 
11 Jan 1781:33 (505)
October 21.  [Continental Congress reorganization of the
Army, American regiments of infantry to include . . . [Field
officers and] 9 Captains, 22 Subalterns, 1 Surgeon, 1
Surgeon's Mate, 1 Serjeant-Major, 1 Quarter-master Serjeant,
45 Serjeants, 1 Drum-major, 1 Fife-major, 10 Drums, 10
fifes, 612 rank and file.
   That there be one Captain and two Subalterns to each
company, and that the four supernumery Subalterns shall each
have the rank of Lieutenant, one of which is to reside in
the state to which he belongs, to inlist and forward on
recruits; one drum and one fife from each regiment to
accompany the recruiting officer. . . [36 lines follow,
signed] Charles Thompson, Secretary [Continental Congress]

Generic Title Massachusetts Spy-Worcester 
Date 1781.01.11 
Publisher Thomas, Isaiah 
City, State Worcester, MA 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0021949
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