Citation |
20 Jun 1782:11 (581)
Fishkill, June 6. The following is a genuine copy of a
letter from a gentleman of the army to his friend in Boston,
containing a particular description of the rejoicings of
Friday last.
West Point, June 1, . . . [Celebration of the birth of a
Dauphin. One-half column description of the Grand
"Collonade" which would seat 500 officers and wives.
Beginning at line 41, column 2:]
At half past five, dinner was on table, to which more than
five hundred ladies and gentlemen sat down. The
entertainment was notably hospitable, and the fine musick
which breathed all the while from the orchestra, added a new
relish to the repast. After dinner, thirteen toasts,
particularly adapted to the festival, were drank, under a
discharge of thirteen cannon each; accompanied with that
martial musick which attunes the soul to rapture and
Inspires the breast with every elevated sentiment . . . [44
lines follow to next column, lines 8.]
I inclose you a list of the toasts, and a copy of the song
which was sung after dinner, accompanied by the musick of
the band, and am my dear friend &c.
N.B. After dinner, the following toasts were drank under a
discharge of cannon. The band of the Third Regiment of
Artillery, with the other martial musick, played alternately
the whole time.
[13 toasts follow but not the song referred to above. It
may be the song given in the following issue of 27 June 1782
(582), see below.]