Citation - North Carolina Gazette (Davis): 1778.02.20

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Index Entry Genius of freedom! Whither art thou fled? [fl] 
Location Yorktown 
20 Feb 1778:31 (416)
York-town, Jan 3.  The following elegiac lines were
occasioned by the death of the Hon. Brigadier General
Francis Nach, of North-Carolina, who died of his wounds. . .
[8 lines]
  Genius of freedom! whither art thou fled?
  While fields of death thy sons undaunted tread:
  Lo! where for thee thy brightest heroes fall,
  And not thy shield to ward the winged ball.
. . . [18 more lines]

Generic Title North Carolina Gazette (Davis) 
Date 1778.02.20 
Publisher Davis, James 
City, State Newbern, NC 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0032808
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