Citation - New England Chronicle-Cambridge: 1776.02.01

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Index Entry Balls, in New Hampshire, given by Governor Wentworth to court wealthy 
Location New Hampshire 
25 Jan-1 Feb 1776:41 (8/392)
An Anecdote of Col. B--d.  When Governor Wentworth got into
the chair of government in New-Hampshire, every thing wore a
new face; balls, card tables, and every other kind of
dissipation became prevalent in the capital of that
province: The Governor's indigent circumstances made him
determine to  court the friendship of the monied part of his
government. . .

Generic Title New England Chronicle-Cambridge 
Date 1776.02.01 
Publisher Hall, Samuel and Ebenezer 
City, State Cambridge, MA 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0022163
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