Citation - New England Courant: 1725.01.25

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Index Entry Bell, in Rome, rung for Pope's death 
Location Rome 
18-25 Jan 1725:11,12,21,22 (182)
An authentick account of what passes at Rome [on the]
occasion of the popes death, &c.
The very moment the pope expires, the news of his death is
made known to the whole city of Rome, by ringing of a bell
in the capitol, which never rings but upon that Occasion. .
. [He is] embalmed and cloathed in the pontifical habit.  In
the evening the corpse is removed to St.Peter's Church in a
litter preceded by two pieces of small cannon, and attended
by flambeaux, light horse and penitentiaries of St. Peter,
without singing or mourning. . .    The funeral obsequies
are continued nine days;. . .   The funeral ceremonies being
finish'd, at which all the ecclesiastical, both regular and
secular, communities have assisted by turns, and repeated
the usual prayers, the Sacred College meets upon the 10th
day in the same chappel; an abbot or prelate makes a Latin
oration de elegando Pontifice; and after the mass of the
Holy Ghost (as 'tis call'd) hath been sung with musick, the
cardinals repair to the conclave, two and two, according to
the seniority of their promotion. . .

Generic Title New England Courant 
Date 1725.01.25 
Publisher Franklin, Benjamin 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1725 
Bibliography B0022350
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