Citation - New England Courant: 1725.10.09

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Index Entry Drummer, in recruiting parties, in essay on Life of Jonathan Wild 
Location London 
2-9 Oct 1725:21 (219)
[Life and execution of thief Jonathan Wild, part I.]
. . . After this manner Jonathan liv'd three or four years,
leading a life of pleasure, disturb'd with nothing, unless
it was now and then at the noise of a drum, which he had as
great antipathy to as some folks to cheese or a cat.
(Because it reminded him of drumming up recruits, which he
avoided becoming, not for lack of courage, but because he
had better ways of seeking his fortune.)

Generic Title New England Courant 
Date 1725.10.09 
Publisher Franklin, Benjamin 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1725 
Bibliography B0022387
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