Citation - New England Weekly Journal: 1727.08.21

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Index Entry Bells, in Boston, rung for George II 
Location Boston 
21 Aug 1727:32 (22)
Boston, August 17, 1727.  It was but on Monday the 14
instant in the evening , that Capt. Carey arrived with the
news of King George's death; and on Wednesday morning by
order of his Honour William Dummer Esq, our Lieut Governour
& Commander in chief three regiments of the militia and five
troops of horse were under arms in the great street before
the State-house, making a very fine appearance. The number
of spectators exceeded the men in arms, covering the houses
on every side.  As soon as the herald had said his Amen to
God Save the King, the loud and joyful huzza's of so great a
multitude rent the skies, the regiments made a triple
discharge, the castle forts & ships fir'd their cannon; and
a splendid entertainment follow'd for the Lieut. Governour
and his Majesty's council, officers, justices, and the Revd.
ministers present; with suitable provisions for the
regiments and troops.  The bells rung all the day, and in
the evening the rejoycing was continued with fireworks and
bonfires and the whole town illuminated in an extraordinary
manner, the windows of each story of the houses in the
principal streets having three or four rows of candles in
them.  The streets were fill'd all the evening with the
gentry of both sexes, who appear'd with much decency and
gravity, and with gayety and chearfulness.  At nine of the
clock a welcome rain, after a time of much heat and drought,
put an end to the ceremony.  A like merciful rain after a
long drought fell on the evening of the day when King George
the First was proclaim'd here, on which occasion it was sung
among us, Imbres nocturni decorant regalia Regis:  We pray
God, by whom Kings reign, that the royal smiles of his
Majesty King George the Second, and the happy influences of
his wife and just government, may ever be falling on all his
Majesty'd dominions, and on this loyal and dutiful province
in particular, like rain upon the mown grass, & as showers
that water the earth; that in his days the righteous may
flourish, and abundance of peace.

Generic Title New England Weekly Journal 
Date 1727.08.21 
Publisher Kneeland, S. & T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1727 
Bibliography B0022446
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