Citation - New England Weekly Journal: 1729.07.21

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Index Entry Drum, in London, beat for volunteer seamen 
Location London 
21 Jul 1729:21 (122)
London, April 26.  On Wednesday last, they began to impress
seamen in this city for his Majesty's service, with good
success, getting in a short time several able mariners.  The
drum also beat about for encouragement of such as were
minded to inlist voluntarily, giving for encouragement two
guineas advance;  they are also to have two months paid
every half-year, and a fair share of the dividend of all
such prizes as shall fall into their hands; and in case of
being either disabled or superannuated in the service, have
the benefit of the Hospital at Greenwich.

Generic Title New England Weekly Journal 
Date 1729.07.21 
Publisher Kneeland, S. & T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1729 
Bibliography B0022546
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