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12 Jun 1732:22 (273)
[pointing hand] Ran-away from Mr. Nathan Cheever of Rumney-
Marsh, in the township of Boston, on Monday the 5th instant,
a Negro man servant named Portsmouth, about 24 or 25 years
old, a pretty short well set fellow, speaks good English,
and can write pretty well. He had on when he went away, an
old hat or cap, a greyish homespun coat, with mettle
buttons, a homespun jacket, a speckled homespun woolen
shirt, a pair of ozenbrigs trouzers, yarn stockings, and old
round toed shoes. Note, said Negro has been used to go in a
boat, and 'tis tho't will endeavour to get off to sea;
therefore all masters of vessels and others are forbid
entertaining him, as they will answer it in the law. He
plays upon the violin & is suppos'd to have one with him.
whoever shall take up the abovesaid Negro, & bring him to
his abovesaid master, or to Mr. Joshua Cheever at the North
End of Boston, shall have three pounds reward, & all
necessary charges paid. Boston, June 10th. 1732.