Citation - New England Weekly Journal: 1734.02.11

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Index Entry Trumpet, in Grodno, played for announcement to civilians 
Location Grodno 
11 Feb 1734:12,13 (358)
Warsaw, Octob. 6.  According to our last letters form
Grodno, the Muscovites have begun to fortify the castle
there.  On the 2d instant, the Russians gave publick notice
in their camp, by sound of trumpet, that no man need be
under any apprehension of being plundered; but that all
manner of persons who would bring provisions to their camp
might do it with the greatest safety.  The Polanders having
discovered a Russian Emissary in a Polish habit, they used
him very scurvily.  On the 4th about six o'clock in the
morning, they began their cannonading again on the other
side the Vistula; but it did not last long.  About eleven
o'clock, there appeared off the Island of Kempe, a Russian
trumpeter, who having made a signal with his trumpet and a
white handkerchief, was brought over hither in a boat, and
conducted blindfold to the camp near Mariemont; and this day
he was sent over to Praage again. . .

Generic Title New England Weekly Journal 
Date 1734.02.11 
Publisher Kneeland, S. & T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1734 
Bibliography B0022784
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