Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Exeter: 1776.08.10

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Index Entry Fiddler, Nero, while Rome was burning, metaphor of political affairs 
Location Exeter 
10 Aug 1776:21 (1/13)
In the last Exeter Chronicle was inserted a judicious
remark, that a Cicero was not company for a Cataline, who
the person is, that is there alluded to, I know not, nore is
to my purpose to inquire; I would only suggest, that I would
not wish to see the Mark of the Beast set on the foreheads
of every doubting, hesitating American, that posterity may
distinguish to whom they were not indebted for the
preservation of their peace, liberty, and safety. . . [23
lines] and shall we still remain idle and unconcerned
spectators, and not exert ourselves to distinguish the
patriotic souls, from those who wish to retreat behind the
scenes, and like Nero, fiddle, while their country is in
flames: . . . [1 1/2 more paragraphs, signed] Americanus et

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Exeter 
Date 1776.08.10 
Publisher Fowle, Robert 
City, State Exeter, NH 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0023195
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