Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Exeter: 1777.07.01

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Index Entry Shakespeare, quote [beg] wench's black eyes have smote... 
Location Providence 
1 Jul 1777:13 (2/59)
Providence, June 21.  The following is a copy of an
intercepted letter from a person at Rhode-Island, to Ned
Winflow, at Plymouth, and is here inserted by way of a
specimen of the lying abilities of the Tories, never more
necessary than at this time to cheer each other's desponding
spirits. Dear Sir,  I cannot omit this opportunity of
returning you, and the rest of my friends, my many thanks
for your civilities to Mrs. Edsaile, during the time we were
at Plymouth.  There is no expressing the joys of our little
party, on being safely landed among our own people.  We
found your amiable daughter here well and in high spirits. 
I don't know how many Colonels, Majors, &c. &c. &c. the
white wench's black eyes (according to Shakespear have
smote. . . [26 lines, signed] Samuel Edsaile

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Exeter 
Date 1777.07.01 
Publisher Fowle, Robert 
City, State Exeter, NH 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0023240
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