Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1761.05.01

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Index Entry Composition, by Lyon, James, music for lyric [beg] Science! bright beam of 
Location Princeton 
1 May 1761:12 (239)
For the Commencement, Septem. 24, 1760.
By the Reverend Mr. Samuel Davies, A.M.
President of the College of New Jersey.
Set to Music by James Lyon, A. B.
  Science! bright beam of light divine!
  Dawn of immortal day!
  On this thy new-built temple shine,
  And all thy charms display.
. . . [4 more verses]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1761.05.01 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1761 
Bibliography B0023481
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