Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1761.06.12

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Index Entry Assist me, muse divine [fl] 
Location Portsmouth 
12 Jun 1761:31 (245)
Portsmouth.  AN ODE ON GEORGE III.
I.  Assist me, muse divine,
Great George I sing,
The British King.
Brittannia's darling son,
Behold him rising to the throne!
Dejection smiles
And lifts her head;
And Life re-animates the dead.
II.  Behold the rising Sun,
Diffusing life,
And glorious light,
And darting from the throne
His splendid ray
And new-born day
Gives pleasure to the sight
And banishes our grief.

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1761.06.12 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1761 
Bibliography B0023487
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