Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1763.01.07

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Index Entry Lyric, topical [beg] Ye patriots safe! who pleas'd the deep designs 
Location Portsmouth 
7 Jan 1763:31 (327)
Just publish'd, And Sold at the Printing Office in this
Town, A Book entitled, War:  An Heroic Poem; from the taking
of Minorca by the French, to the raising of the siege of
Quebec by General Murray; with marginal notes; being  a very
compleat history of the war. . . Printed in London; and Re
printed in Portsmouth, price two shillings and six pence
sterling. . . It has been highly recommended by men of the
best sense, judgment and learning. . . There not having been
any performance to equal it since the war began.
. . . [17 lines outlining the contents]
The above poem is address'd to the patriots, and heros of
Great Britain, and America.
  Ye patriots safe! who pleas'd the deep designs
  Of war; 'midst which, Britannia dreadful shines!
  (On whom she leans, with great exulting glow!
  Where'er you point, she strikes the wasting blow!)
. . . [18 more lines]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1763.01.07 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0023569
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