Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1763.07.15

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Index Entry Lyric, sentimental [beg] What smiling seraph courts my ravish'd eyes 
Location Portsmouth 
15 Jul 1763:11 (354)
To the printer.
What smiling seraph courts my ravish'd eyes,
Steals my devotions from their native skies?
'Tis Silvia, beauty's charming Queen I know,
For all the graces consecrate her so.
Lovely she shines with a distinguish'd ray,
And adds new splendors to the rising day.
. . . [2 more 4-line verses]
When e'er with solemn reverence and dread,
Retir'd from noise, the sacred dome I tread,
In heavenly praise my fellow-mortals join,
Your charms bright seraph makes the worship thine,
Tho' I amaz'd my conscious guilt survey,
And all my [   ] thoughts to fix essay,
Again religiously attempt the song,
Yet hallelujahs languish on my tongue,
Doubtful I need of heav'n a blessing crave
But seek it in the graces nature gave.
. . . [26 more lines]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1763.07.15 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0023596
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