Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1765.04.26

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Index Entry Fowle, Daniel, sells Shakespeare's plays, psalters 
Location Portsmouth 
26 Apr 1765 (447)
To be sold, Sundry valuable Books, neatly bound, viz.
The Letters and other pamphlets by Mr. Sanderman, with the
works of Mr. John Glass; Shakespear's Plays, by Theobald 8
vol.  Addison's works 4 vol.
. . . [21 lines, 75 lines]
Hobbe's Works, Bolingbrook's Works compleat; the American
Magazine 3 vol.  Testaments, Psalters and Spelling Books;
with a variety of other books not mentioned.
Most of the histories above mentioned are just imported--the
latest and most curious and elegant that the British Press
has produced.
N.B.  Any Gentleman wanting a good collection of books may
be supplied at a cheap rate.
Enquire of the Printers.

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1765.04.26 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0023689
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