Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1765.08.30

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Index Entry Bowles, Samuel, sells psalters 
Location Portsmouth 
30 Aug 1765:43 (464)
To be sold, By Samuel Bowles, At his Shop near the
State-House, and almost opposite the Post-Office, in
Portsmouth, viz.
German serges; green broad cloth; bays; worsted caps;
figur'd stuffs; fine and coarse kerseys; shalloons; tammys;
. . . [19 lines] Tea Kittles; combs; pencels; spectacles;
shoe and knee buckles; mettal buttons; sleeve buttons--
primers, spelling books and psalters; whale bone; beaveritt,
castor and felt hatts; wool cards; rum, sugar and molasses;
. . . [7 lines] As the above mentioned articles are to be
sold for ready money only, they will be sold as cheap as
they can be purchased at any shop in the province.  Also, To
be lett by said Bowles, a convenient Dwelling-House, very
suitable for two families.

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1765.08.30 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0023707
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