Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1766.08.08

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Index Entry Griffith, Samuel, sells psalters 
Location Portsmouth 
8 Aug 1766:41,42 (514)
Samuel Griffith, Informs his good Customers and others, that
he has a large and good Assortment of fresh Goods, well
bought, and well chosen, which he would be very glad to
oblige them with, at the lowest Cash Prices, at his Shop in
German serges; Wilton cloth; sagathys; cotton velvets; knit
breeches patterns; stript damasks; . . . [69 lines of goods,
12 lines] English pistol powder per half barrell; English
and French flints and shott;--Bibles, psalters, spelling
books, primers and ink powder; stone and delph ware; long
and short pipes;----Neat blue and white china cups and
sausers; candles per box.----New Philadelphia flower; Lisbon
jarr oil,----and, Salem sythes.
N.B.  Those who have been indebted to said Griffith for more
than one year, must discharge their debts immediately,--or--
[end of advert]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1766.08.08 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0023756
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