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24 Apr 1767:31 (551)
William Appleton, Book-binder In Queen-Street, Portsmouth;
Hereby informs his customers and others, that he has for
sale, a general assortment of books and stationary; among
which are the following, viz.
Large and small Bibles; Common Prayer Books; Hervey's
Meditations & Dialogues; Sandeman's Letters on Tharon and
Aspasia; Dre[ ]scourt on Death; Pike's Case of Conscience;
The Pilgrim's Progress, in three parts; Dodderidge's Life;
Mrs. Stows Letters, from the Dead to the Living; Boston's
Four fold State; Sherlock on Death; Fordyces Sermons to
Young Women; Tate & Brady's Psalms, Watt's Psalms & Hymns;
Baley's, Johnson's, Dych's & Fenning English Dictionary; . .
[14 lines of goods] The Life & Adventures of Gilblas 4
Volumes; Rules of life by the greatest Authors; Lock's
Essays, 3 vol. Laws of Bills of Exchange; Traders Sure
Guide; Religious Courtship; British Letter Writer; Singing
Books, by different Authors; Plays & Tragedies; the merry
Story teller; Song Books of different Sorts; The
Massachusetts Register; James Practice of Physic; . . . [28