Citation |
1 Jul 1768:41 (612)
Robert Fowle, Has for sale at his shop adjoining the
Printing-Office, near the State-house in Portsmouth;
A large assortment of books,
Among which are the following, viz.
Umfrevill's Law of Coroners 2 vol. Law of Bills; Burrow's
Reports 2 vol. Gilbert on Exchequer; Medical Observations;
Astrues's Diseases of Women 3 Vol. . . [7 lines]
Stackhouse's History of the Holy Bible, from the beginning
of the World to the Establishment of Christianity, 6 vol.
Drelincourt on Death; Walker's Sermons; Wait's Gospel
History; Formey's Ecclesiastical History 2 Vol. Arnold's
Church Music; Knapp's Music; Arnold's Psalmody; Cloud of
Witnesses; Eskin's Sermons; A Treatise on Public Prayer,
Paradise Regain'd; Erskin's Dissertations; Mayhew's Sermons;
Lyric Poems; Paradise Lost; Hervey's Letters; Addison's
Evidence; Patrick's Terernce's Comedies, translated into
English Prose, as near as the propriety of the two languages
will admit, together with the Latin, from the best editions;
. . . [13 lines] Masons Poems; Miller's Gardner Kalendar;
Glasse's Cookery; Preceptor 2 vol. Masque, a Collection of
fine Songs; Ladies compleat Letter Writer; Hoppus's
Measuring; Seamen's vade Mecum; . . . [13 lines] Smollet's
Travels 2 vol. History of the late War; a new Collection in
Prose and Verse for the use of Schools; Butler's Hudibras;
Modern Poems; Hill's Arithmetic; Fisher's Ditto; Delworth's
Ditto. Traders sure Guide; History of England; Constitution
of Great Britain; Watts's Miscellanies 2 vol; Author 2 vol.
Memoirs of the Marchioness of Pompadore 2 vol. Joseph
Andrews; Shakespear's Works 10 vol. Brooks Introduction; .
. . [14 lines] Bibles of all sizes, some neatly bound and
gilt; Common Prayer Books; Tate and Brady's Psalms; Watts's
ditto; Account Books; a very great variety of single Sermons
and other Pamphlets; small Books for Children, &c. &c. &c.
. . . [4 lines]