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26 May 1769:14 (659)
Just Imported from London, by William Appleton, And to be
Sold at his Store in Portsmouth.
A very large and valuable assortment of Books, in Law,
Physic, History, Anatomy, Novelty, Surgery, Navigation,
Divinity, Husbandry, Mathematicks, etc. viz. . . [24 lines
of goods] The Universal History from the earliest accounts
of Time to the present 20 vol. Voltaire's Works 35 vol.
Rolts History of the War 4 vol. The delivery of Jerusalem,
an Heroick Poem translated by Philip Doyne, Esq; 2 vol. The
history of the Arabians 4 vol. The History of England in a
series of Letters 2 vol. Swifts Letters 3 vol. Memoirs of
the Duke of Sulley 6 vol. Tansur's and William's singing
Books; Tansur's Musical Grammar; Gordon's History of the
Lives, Trials and Executions of all the Royal and Noble
Personages that have suffered in Great Britain and Ireland,
for Treason and other Crimes 3 vol. Harrie's Life of
Cromwell; Dictionary of Arts and Sciences 4 vol. . . [9
lines of goods] The Ladies Library 4 vol. Rambler 4 vol.
Prior's Poems 2 vol. Churchill Works 3 vol. Crysal or the
Adventures of a Guinea 4 vol. The World 4 vol. Brel's
Travils 2 vol: The Arts of Speaking; Rousseau's Works 5
vol. Dodslay collection of Poems 6 vol. Pamela or Virtue
Rewarded 4 vol. The Tatler 4 vol. The preceptor 2 vol.
Visitor 2 vol. Plutarch's Lives 9 vol. Spencer's Works 6
vol. Persian Tales 2 Vol. Theodorius & Constantine 2 vol.
Religious Courtship; Milton's Paradise Lost; Young's Night
Thoughts; Macknight's Harmony of the four Gospels 2 vol.
quarto; The Works of the late Rev. Isaac Watts, in 6 vol.
quarto; Burket on the New Testament, folio; Bunyan's Works 2
vol. folio; . . . [3 lines of goods] Doddridge's life; The
Death of Abel; Watts's Thoughts; Watts's Scripture History;
Nelson's Devotions; Watts's World to come; Henry's
Exposition on the Bible 5 vol. folio; Love's Art of
Surveying, Wilson's Art of Surveying; Ward's mathematic's;
Watts's Logic and Astronomy; . . . [5 lines] Davidson's
Virgil 2 vol. Davidson's Horice 2 vol. Clark's Homer 2
vol. Hill's Greek Lexicon; Terence Delphini; Virgi
Delphini; Ovid's Metamorphoses; Cicero's Oration; Horice
Delphial; Latin and Greek Testaments, and all Classical
Books for Schools; West Indian Pilot, and Charts for many
Parts of the World; with almost every kind of Navigation
Books, Bibles, Testaments, Spelling Books; Psalters and
Primers, will be sold very cheap by quantity. Likewise,
Watts's Psalms and Hymns very cheap by the dozen.---Said
Appleton has a Numerous Collection of Books for Sale, not
mentioned in this Advertisement. Likewise, Writing paper by
the Ream; Letter Cases; Pocket Memorandum Books; Guater,
Scales and Dividers; Penknives; Account Books of all sizes,
with all kinds of Stationary, very low for Cash.
Also, Silver Watches, warranted good; Teaspoons and Ear
rings; very neat gilt Shoe and Knee Buckles; Some Shoe
Buckles, for Ladies; Watch Chains, &c.