Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1769.06.09

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Index Entry Appleton, William, sells religious music books 
Location Portsmouth 
9 Jun 1769:31,32,33 (661)
Just Imported from London, By William Appleton, And to be
Sold at his Store in Portsmouth.
A very large and compleat Assortment of Books in Law,
Physic, History, Anatomy, Novelty, Surgery, Navigation,
Divinity, Husbandry, and Mathematicks, viz.
A Digest of the Laws of England, by Sir John Comyns, Knight,
Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer, in 5
vol. folio.  Wood's Institutes, folio. . . [60 lines of
The Universal History, from the earliest Accounts of Time to
the present, in 20 volumes.  Voltaire's Works, 35 vol. 
Rolts History of the late War, 4 vol.  Rollin's antient
History, 10 vol.  Shakespear's Works, 8 vol.  Sir Charles
Granderson, 7 vol.  The Spectators, 8 vol.  The Delivery of
Jerusalem, as Heroick Poem translated by Philip Doyne, Esq;
2 vol.  The History of the Arabians, 4 vol.  The History of
England, 2 vol.  The Works of Dr. Swift, 20 volumes. 
Memoirs of the Duke of Sulley, 6 vol.  Tansur's Singing
Book.  William's Psalmody.  Tansur's Musical Grammar. 
Gordon's History of the Lives, Tryals, and Executions of all
the Royal and Noble Personages that have suffered for High
Treason and other Crimes in Great Britain and Ireland, 3
vol. Herrin's Life of Cromwell.  Priors Poems, 2 vol.  Reed
on the Mind.  The Chinese Spy, 6 vol.  The Turkish Spy, 8
volumes.  The Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 4 vol.
. . . Stackhouse's History of the Bible, from the beginning
of the World, to the Establishment of Christianity;
illustrated with many curious Copper Plates, 2 vol. folio. 
Ambros's Works, folio.  The Works of the late Rev. Isaac
Watts, in 6 vol. quarto.  Henry's Exposition on the Old &
New Testament, 5 vol. folio.  Bunyan's Works, 2 vol. folio.
. . [53 lines of goods]
Providence; an alegorical Poem, in three Books, illustrated
with Notes, by the Rev. John Ogilvie. Watts's Psalms and
Hymns, a new Edition. Tate and Brady's Psalms.  Addison's
Evidences of the Christian Religion. . . [10 lines, 20
Watts's Logick. ____Astronomy. ____ World to come.
____Lyrick Poems.  ____Scripture History. ____Guide to
Prayer.  Common Prayer Books.  Large Scotch Confessions of
Faith.    Love's Art of Surveying.  Fisher's Young Man's
Companion.  Gordon's Young Man's ditto.  Fenning's Book of
Knowledge.  Mason on Self Knowledge.  Fenning's Arithmatick. 
Hill's ditto.  Foster's ditto.  Delworth's ditto.  Swift's
Life of Queen Ann.  The Pleasing Instructor.  The Mask, a
Collection of excellent new Songs.  The Vocal Companion. 
The Travels of Jesuits, 2 vol. . . [25 lines]  Bibles,
Testaments, Spelling Books, Psalters, and Primmers, will be
Sold very cheap by the Dozen. Also a great variety of books
not mention'd in this catalogue. Also writing Paper by the
ream.  Account books of all sizes, writing parchments. 
Gunter Scales and weights.  Pocket memorandum books. 
Sealing wax and wafers.  Slates, &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. All
very Cheap for Cash only.

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1769.06.09 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0023904
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