Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1771.05.03

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Index Entry Psalters, for sale by Sparhawk, John 
Location Portsmouth 
3 May 1771:41 (759)
Stationary.  Just Imported, and to be sold by John Sparhawk,
At his Shop in Queen Street.
A large assortment of paper of all kinds; a great variety of
account books, books for records, letter books, receipt
books, and copy books, red ink powder, black ditto.  Quills,
black lead and slate pencils, sealing wax, wafers, best
shing black sand, pounce, slates, ivory books and slate
books, ink stands, and various sorts of ink holders,
penknives, knives and forks, playing cards, bills of lading,
Bibles, testaments, psalters, spelling books, and primers,
Tate and Brady's Psalm Books, with and without tunes, paper
cases, pasteboard files with laces, ivory paper folders,
paste boards, fine temple spectacles, ditto with green eyes,
sand boxes, pewter ink chests, metal buttons by the bag,
shoe and knee-buckles, &c. &c. &c.
  Said Sparhawk has also on consignment oznaburghs and
ticklingburghs, by the piece, and an assortment of three
quarter, seven-eight, four quarter, and sheating linen,
white thread and cotton hose, silk and cotton ditto, mens
and womens London made shoes, and pumps, galloshoes, clogs,
knit breeches patterns womens black silk mitts, &c.
  [pointing hand]  Some of the last mentioned articles, to
be sold at less than 10 per cent. from the sterling cost.

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1771.05.03 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0024002
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