Citation |
16 Aug 1771:41 (774)
Daniel Pierce, jr. Has just imported by Captain Clap, from
London, the following articles, which he is determined to
sell at the very lowest price, for cash, at his shop near
the State-House, and almost opposite the Post-Office,
formerly improved by Mr. Samuel Bowles, viz.
German serges, wiltons, tammies, durants, and callamancoes,
camblets, scarlet broad cloth, shalloons, chinces, . . . [36
lines of goods] desk furniture, hearth, shoe, cloaths and
buckle brushes, ivory and horn combs, hair combs, black and
cloth color'd wide persian, black india taffity, felt hats,
temple and nose spectacles, frying pans, heves, best G. B.
wool cards, womens english shoes and pumps, jews harps,
Bibles, testaments, spelling books, and psalters;--also
choice bohea tea, west india rum, brown sugar, nutmegs,
pepper, allspice;--. . . [11 lines]