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24 Jan 1772:41 (796)
To one of the best of sublunary beings no doubt true, and,
perhaps, more important than any, or all, presented by the
loyal Christians of London.
His faithful subject, Martha Bird,
Begs leave to tell K. George the Third,
How good, how blest the times have been,
Which she and thousands more have seen:
How in the days of George the Second,
(As she has not the time mis-reckon'd,
'Tis right she should herself explain,)
She meant the first part of his reign;
Rent then was low, and taxes few,
And all our poor had work to do:
Provisions too were cheaper than
Can now be bought by any man:
Then butchers meat (amazing rize!)
Was little more than half the price
Of what, your Majesty was told,
In London is at this time sold.
. . . [36 more lines, signed] Near Hoxton, C. Thomason. June