Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1773.01.01

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Index Entry Lyric, moral [beg] Mankind, one day serene and free appear 
Location Portsmouth 
1 Jan 1773 (846) 
 Fix'd to no spot is happiness sincere;
'Tis no where to be found, or ev'rywhere.
[attributed to]  Pope.
. . . [5 lines of prose more about happiness]
 Mankind, one day serene and free appear,
 The next, they're cloudy, sullen and severe 
 New passions, new opinions still excite,
 And what they like at noon, detest at night. 
. . . [27 more lines of prose]
 Her ev'ry charm, her form divinely fair,
 Her easy motion, her attractive air,
 Her sweet behaviour, her enchanting face,
Her moving softness, and majestic grace. 
. . . [31 more lines] 

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1773.01.01 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0024088
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