Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1773.04.16

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Index Entry Bell, in Cambridge, rung for marriage of elderly couple 
Location Cambridge 
16 Apr 1773:32 (861)
We hear from Cambridge, that on April-Fools-Day, was married
there by the Rev. Dr. Appleton, Mr. Thomas Reed, aged 89
years, to the agreeable Mrs. Alice Peirce, aged about 87
years, who for a long time supported the office of College
Sweeper with great dignity and to general approbation of the
students; but has lately resign'd that post, and retir'd
from business with a handsome fortune.--In the evening an
elegant supper was provided, at which were present some
eminent personages.--During the ceremony, minute guns were
fired by the whole artillery of that place; and a bell was
rung for three hours on the happy occasion--The next morning
by day-break another royal salu[t]e was given, and the bell
rung as before.--A general invitation was given the next day
to an elegant entertainment; and the whole was conducted
with great decency and decorum--Expectations of a numerous
progeny are very great----
  Happy!  Happy!  Happy!  Pair!
  None but the brave,
  None but the brave,
  None but the brave deserve the fair."

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1773.04.16 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0024103
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