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28 Jan 1774:11,12 (901)
From the Sentimental Magazine, for September 1773.
The Humble Address, Petition, and Remonstrance of the
English Light Guineas.
To the King's most excellent Majesty,
We your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the light
guineas of these realms, do implore your Majesty's well
known benevolence of heart to redress a grievance with which
we are at present afflicted by an evil-minded and corrupt
. . . [20 more lines of commentary]
During the 1st general election, what obligations were not
these ungrateful men under to us? Did not we procure them
their seats in P------t, and convince the whole world that
the most prevalent and transcendant powers upon earth were
the light guineas of England?
Divinity, law, physic, painting, poetry, sculpture,
literature, music, and all the fine sciences, have
originated purely from us. We gave them birth, we reared
them to perfection, and have remained invariably the golden
patrons of their triumphant honors. Priests would have
forgot to preach; lawyers would have forgot to plead;
doctors would have forgot to prescribe; painters would have
lost all their skill; poets would have lost all their fancy;
and sculpture, literature, music and printing would have
sunk into eternal oblivion, if we their gaurdian angels, had
withdrawn from them our patronage.
Your Majesty will be pleased graciously to consider, that
we likewise have ever been zealous in your Majesty's
service, and that your Majesty could not possibly have gone
lately to Portsmouth with your brilliant light horse, if
your brilliant light guineas had not also attended.
. . . [16 lines, 2 lines]
We are with great duty and affection,
Your Majesty's most grateful subjects,
The English Light Guineas.