Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1774.03.11

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Index Entry Dancing master, Viart, St George di, opened school in Salem 
Location Salem 
11 Mar 1774:41 (907)
St. George di Viart, Who has resided for three years last
past at Salem, and taught dancing, fencing, and the French
language, there, at Marblehead and Glocester, to general
approbation, having been favoured with encouragement to open
schools in this town for teaching the same polite and useful
accomplishments, begs leave to acquaint the public, that he
proposes to attend his Dancing-School every Monday,
Wednesday and Saturday, from two o'clock in the afternoon,
till five, at the Assembly-Room; his Fencing-School on the
same days, from five o'clock in the evening, till eight, at
the same place; and French school from six o'clock, till
eight in the evening, at the same place on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Fridays.  He proposes also to teach dancing to
any young gentlemen whose business will not permit them to
attend in the day, at the same place on Tuesday, Thursday
and Friday evenings, from eight o'clock till ten.
  Mr. De Viart intends opening his Dancing-School, on the
above-mentioned days, in the first week of March next; and
his other schools as soon as a sufficient number of
schollars apply.
  Mr. De Viart's terms may be known by applying to him, at
his lodgings, at Mrs. Gerrish's, in King-Street.
Portsmouth, 16th Feb. 1774.

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1774.03.11 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0024150
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