Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1775.05.19

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Index Entry Dance, metaphor of battle, of British in Concord 
Location Boston 
19 May 1775:31 (969)
Massachusetts-bay.  Worcester, May 10. . . [30 lines of news
about the conflict between Britain and America]
  Our army have began an entrenchment at Cambridge. . . 
  One Mansfield, a breeches-maker, in Boston, who went out
with the troops in the late engagement, was in the skirmish
fired at by the regulars through mistake, they taking him to
be one of our men.  The ball entered his neck and came out
of his mouth.  Wretches like him often meet their just
  Some officers in the King's army, it is said, have sworn
that the Americans fired first.  Their method of cheating
the devil, we are told, has been by some means brought out. 
They procured three or four traitors to their God and
country, born among us, and took with them, and they fi fi
fired upon their countrymen, which was immediately followed
by the Regulars.  It is also said these wretches were
dressed in soldiers clothing.
  When the second Brigade marched out of Boston to reinforce
the first, nothing was played by the fifes and drums but
Yankee Doodle, (which has become their favourite tune ever
since that notable exploit, which did such honor to the
troops of Britain's King of tarring and feathering a poor
countryman in Boston and parading with him through the
principal streets, under arms with their bayonets fixed:) 
Upon their return to Boston, one asked his brother officer
how he liked the tune now,---"D---m them, returned he, they
made us dance it till we were tired."----Since which Yankee
Doodle sounds less sweet to their ears.
  The commanding officers at Cambridge, has given leave to
the Regulars, who were taken prisoners, either to go to
Boston and join their respective regiments, or have liberty
to work in the country; for those who would employ.  In
consequence of which those who were confined in this town,
fifteen in number, heartily request to be employed by the
people, not chusing to return to their regiments to fight
against their American brethren, tho' some of them expressed
their willingness to spill their blood in defense of their
King in a righteous cause.  They are set out yesterday for
different towns.

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1775.05.19 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0024212
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