Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1775.10.17

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Index Entry Drummers, in Bunker's Hill, British casualties 
Location Bunker's Hill 
17 Oct 1775:21,22 (991) 
Cambridge, October 9.  Last Thursday se'ennight arrived at
New-York that Halifax Packet, in 7 weeks from Falmouth, by
whom we have the following advices.
Whitehall, July 25. . . [3 lines]
General Gage's Account of the battle at Bunker's Hill. . .
[2 lines]
Return of the officers, non commission officers, and
privates, killed and wounded, of his Majesty's troops , at
the attack of the re[   ] and intrenchments on the heights
of Charles-Town, June 17, 1775.
Royal Reg. Artillery.  Capts. Huddleston, and Lamoin, Lieut.
Shuttleworth, 1 serjeant, 2 rank and file, wounded.
5th.  Capts. Harris, Jackson, Downs, and Marsden, Lieuts.
McClintock & Croker, Ensigns, Charlton and [   ], wounded. 
11 rank and file, killed.  12 serjeants, 2 drummers &
fifers, 116 rank and file, wounded.
10th.  Capts. Persons and Fitzgerald, Lieuts. Pettigrew,
Verner Hamilton and Kelly, wounded.  2 Serjeants, 5 rank and
file, killed.  1 drummer and fifer, 39 rank and file,
. . . [3 lines]
23d.  Capt. Blakeny, Lieuts. Beckwith, Cochrane, Lanthall,
wounded.  2 serjeants 1 drummer, 21 rank and file, killed. 
2 serjeants, 1 drummer and fifer, 35 rank and file, wounded.
35th.  Lieut. Baird, killed.  Capts. Draw, and Lyon, Lieuts.
Massey and Campbell, wounded.  18 rank and file killed.  3
serjeants, 2 drummers, 42 rank and file wounded.
38th.  Lieut. Dutton, killed.  Capts. Hoker & Boyd, Lieut.
Christie, Capt. House, Lieut. Myers, Ensigns Serjeant & 
Swaney, Quarter Master Mitchell, wounded.  2 serjeants 25
rank and file, killed.  4 serjeants, 1 drummer and fifer, 69
rank and file, wounded.
43.  Major Spendlove, Capt. McKentie, Urents, Robinson &
Dalrymple, wounded.  2 serjeants, 20 rank and file, killed. 
3 serjeants, 2 drummers and fifers, 77 rank and file,
. . . [25 lines]
63d.  Lieut. Dalymple killed.  Capt. Fuller and Stopford,
wounded.  1 serjeant, 7 rank and file, killed.  2 serjeants,
1 drummer, 25 rank and file, wounded.
65th.  Capt. Hudson, killed.  Major Butler, Capt. Sinclair,
Lieuts. Paxton, Hales, & Smith, wounded.  1 serjeant, 8 rank
and file, killed.  1 serjeant, 1 drummer, 25 rank and file,
. . . [20 lines]
1 Lieutenant Colonel, 2 Majors, 7 Captains, 9 Lieutenants,
15 Serjeants, 1 drummer, 191 rank and file, killed.  3
Majors, 27 Captains, 31 Lieutenants, 8 Ensigns, 40
Serjeants, 12 Drummers, 706 rank and file, wounded.
. . . [16 lines]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1775.10.17 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0024234
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