Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1775.11.02

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Index Entry Cato, runaway Negro, plays fife 
Location Portsmouth 
2 Nov 1775:13 (992) 
Ten dollars reward.  Run away from the subscriber, on the
19th of October last, a Negro boy named Cato, about eighteen
years old, five feet and a half high, or something more; had
one when he went away a blue duffel round jacket with cuffs
and without lining; an under jacket without sleeves of blue
serge, both almost new; a new pair of leather breeches, made
of moose skin, carried with him three check'd shirts, two of
which were cotton and woolen, the other linnen, with large
checks, several pair of stockings of different colours, and
a wooden quart bottle of rum.  His pack was seen by a boy
not long before he went away, and his things were then done
up in one of his check'd shirts.  A more likely, well built,
active and cunning boy is seldom to be seen; he plays well
on a fife, and carried one with him:  It's probable he is
making his way for New York, and it's likely he will steer
his course by way of Cohess, as he once lived at Orland, and
lately hinted it to one of his masters that he should go
that way.  Whoever will take up said runaway and convey him
to his master, shall receive ten dollars reward, and all
necessary charges paid by me. [signed] Jonathan Moulton.
Hampton October 21, 1775.
N.B.  'Tis likely he will change his name, perhaps call
himself Elisha Barlet, as he has said that was his name with
one of his masters and his right name.  It don't appear at
any time when he hinted of running away that he gave any
reason for it, but it is supposed he was deluded away by
some person or persons.  Notwithstanding as he had
heretofore been a faithful boy, if he will return and behave
well his master promises to forgive him his crime, and trust
him as tho' it had not happened.

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1775.11.02 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0024235
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