Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1776.09.28

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Index Entry Bagpipers, Highland, in London, in procession for St Yankey's Day 
Location London 
28 Sep 1776:41,42 (19)
London, April 18th.   A correspondent informs us that to
morrow, the 19th, being Saint Yankey's day (as tutelar saint
of North America) and also anniversary of the famous battle
of Lexington!  the same will be most honorably observed by
all the true and loyal friends to government from that
country.  There will be a grand procession from the Crown
and Anchor, the place of rendezvous in the Strand, to St.
Dunstan's, where a sermon suitable to the occasion will be
preached by the Rev. Mr. Coriolanus, from New-York.  The
procession, first being joined by the Reverend Band of
Martyrs (from their place of meeting in St. Paul's church
yard) will move a little before eleven o'clock in the
following order.
. . . [49 lines describing who would make up the parade]
  All those prudent knowing ones, who by refinement on
duplicity, have in some measure persuaded the Colonists (say
rebels) to think them their friends, but are now lately come
over to give private information, and to avail themselves of
something beneficial from the general confusion, to appear
in their party-coloured dominion with black crapes over
their faces, two & two.  The procession will be preceded by
the Doctor of Music from Rhode Island, with his newly raised
band of Highland bagpipes; and the whole to move upon the
quick step, to the tune of Yankie Doodle.  After the sermon
is over the procession will return in the same order to the
place from when they came; where an elegant entertainment
will be ready at four o'clock, and the ceremony, it is
expected, will conclude with great festivity in the evening.
. . [43 lines]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1776.09.28 
Publisher Dearborn, Benjamin 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0024263
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