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8 Nov 1783:41 (27/1410)
[signed] Female Observer.
Constantly I go to meeting,
When I'm able to appear;
Not to spend the time in sleeping,
But the sacred word to hear.
When the parson's voice is sounding,
If he preaches, reads or prays,
I stand or set like others round him,
And attend to what he says.
When some lines to sing are mention'd,
And the priest has read them through;
Then, I turn my warm attention
To the rising singing few:
If each part does its proportion,
And the tune and words agree,
Then, my heart is all in motion,
Ravish'd with the harmony.
Some there be of strange persuasions;
And they make this crude pretence,
That lively tunes on sad occasions
Don't agree with common sense.
Give such persons information,
Tell them of the diff'rent airs,
'Tis not quick or slow vibration
That must guide in those affairs.
If the tune moves something briskly,
And the words are grave and sad,
Then some people judge directly
That the singers all are mad.
'Tis not said they never miss it,
For perfection is not their's:
But the man who does but guess is,
He perhaps as often errs.
Let such persons know forever,
If the tune's on a flat key,
Though the notes are semi-quavers,
They with solemn words agree.
If the tune be sharp and chearful,
And the words express no joy;
Then the singers are not careful,
Though 'tis slow as old Savoy.
I'll appeal to *Knap or Billings,
To defend what I assert;
And I'll venture twenty shillings
They'll not fair to take my part:
Read their sev'ral books of musick,
Study well their diff'rent keys;
Read more authors (if you choose it)
Then determine as you please:
But methinks you will relinquish,
And will seldom need to cry,
That the singers cant distinguish
January from July.
[signed] C. D.
* Two eminent authors on Musick.