Citation - New Jersey Gazette-Trenton: 1778.03.04

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Index Entry Burrowes, Joseph, owner of runaway Negro named Cuff who plays fiddle 
Location Trenton 
4 Mar 1778:43 (1/14)
350 Dollars reward.  Ran-away the 8th day of February, 1778,
from the subscribers, three Negro men, viz. one named Nean .
. . [description].  One named James, about 20 years old, a
short chunky fellow, had on a good castor hat, two jackets,
the upper one a light grey, and leather breeches, and likes
much to play on the fife. --- The other named Cuff, about 30
years old, a well set fellow, about 5 feet, 8 inches high;
had on a beaver hat, a blue coat, red jacket, cloth breeches
and new shoes, and is very fond of playing on the fiddle. 
As they were seen near Frankfort, it is supposed they are in
or near Philadelphia.  Whoever takes up and secures the said
Negroes in Trenton goal, so that their masters may have them
again, shall have the above reward, or an equal reward for
either of them.  Willson Hunt, John Hunt, Joseph Burrowes

Generic Title New Jersey Gazette-Trenton 
Date 1778.03.04 
Publisher Collins, Isaac 
City, State Trenton, NJ 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0024641
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