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31 Dec 1778:33 (1/56)
One hundred dollars reward. Ran away from the subscriber,
living in New-Britain, Bucks county, the 20th instant,
(Dec.) a Negro man called Tom, well made, about 6 feet high
- had on when he went away, a lightish surtout coat, a brown
close bodied coat, a fine hat half worn, a pair of leather
breeches with boot-straps behind, and had a pair of boots
with him; he also took a fiddle with him and plays with his
left hand. Said Negro was bought from one William Brown at
or near Ten Mile Run, in New-Jersey, where he, the Negro,
says he is well acquainted, and imagine he is gone that way.
Whoever secures said Negro, so that his master may have him
again, shall have the above reward, paid by me. December
22d, 1778. [signed] Tobias Shull.